What does the new year hold for you? Are you waiting — holding your breath — looking for the courage to start a new business or launch a new idea?

What does the new year hold for you? Are you waiting — holding your breath — looking for the courage to start a new business or launch a new idea?
Dear Santa:
There’s a terrible disease going around among Entrepreneurs. Symptoms include working 80 hour weeks and referring to yourself as “President and Chief Bottle Washer”. It’s a disease I call Do-It-Yourself Syndrome.
I’m stuck.
Monday. Time for my Monday Rant. Today…. “Penalty-Based Pricing Models”, or “Why Kessler Hotels Don’t Want My Business”. Are you ready?
I got a call the other day with some bad news. My friend Matt died suddenly of a massive heart attack. He was 35. For years, Matt and I had discussed his desire to leave his corporate job and focus on selling his high tech inventions. He had some amazing ideas and was always a few years ahead of the market.
There’s something missing in most businesses. Maybe it’s missing from yours too. It’s a key ingredient – it is the magnetic force that attracts new customers and holds a new company together.
What’s more, this one thing is the guiding light for creating a business that can support you. It’s no secret, its not hard to believe, and it is not even a new concept. Yet millions of people ignore this fundamental rule and create companies that are bound to fail.
Quick: Which is more important… Profits or Sales?
I’m on a rip today folks… got a bee in my bonnet and a twist in my shorts. Can I tell you why?
Yesterday I tried to give you some quick and dirty guidance on monetizing patents. I got a lot of feedback from that — people asking detailed questions.
Do you know how to use a UCC filing to protect your accounts receivable?
Can you imagine planning a business that you knew would fail? Can you imagine looking for investors – then telling them that they would never get their money back?