I was not surprised to hear that online Christmas sales were up by 16% in 2011… I get the distinct feeling that the sun is setting on the “Great Recession” and a better day is just ahead.

I was not surprised to hear that online Christmas sales were up by 16% in 2011… I get the distinct feeling that the sun is setting on the “Great Recession” and a better day is just ahead.
Many entrepreneurs I know would be living in federal prison if current fundraising laws were strictly enforced. But funding a small business is about to get a lot safer and easier for business owners.
I had a rare opportunity to speak with Elon Musk. In case that name is not familiar, you certainly know him by what he has done in the last decade: Musk revolutionized online payments with PayPal, re-imagined space travel with SpaceX, and created one of the hottest (and all-electric) cars ever made at Tesla Motors.